Wreath ceremony at the Nyamata memorial, Kinazi. The remains of 50.000 victims of the Genocide are buried here. From left to right: Torsten Reibold, Representstive Europe Givat Haviva/Havatzelet Bernhard Kukatzki, Director State Agency for Civic Education Dr. Beate Welter, Director Memorial SS Außenlager Hinzert, Rheinland-Pfalz Roger Lewentz, Minister of Interior Torsten Reibold, Givat Haviva´s Representative in Europe participated in the official 25th commemorations of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Torsten Reibold was part of an official delegation of the German Federal State of Rheinland-Pfalz – a decade-long partner, both to Givat Haviva and the Republic of Rwanda. During their stay, the group visited several memorials, remembering the atrocities of summer 1994, spoke with politicians and official representatives as wel l as survivors´ organizations and civil society activists engaged in reconciliation efforts and preserving the memories of the v...